
Showing posts from November, 2020

Temple and Family History Lesson 7: Sources in Family Search

 Temple and Family History Lessons Lesson 7 Sources in Family Search In our last lesson we learned how to add ‘Memories’, specifically photos, to an individual’s ‘Person Page’ on Family Search.  In this lesson we will look at the classification and importance of sources of information used to establish facts, and how to record them in Family Search. In an environment where the entire world has access to, and the ability to edit, information that we submit regarding our ancestors, it is important that all our information be backed up by strong sources that document and defend the validity of that information.  It is unlikely that disputes will arise over claimed historical facts if adequate evidence is presented along with the facts.  Arguments occur when neither of two disputing parties can support their proposals with defensible documentation, that is, documentation that not only supports the fact that is presented, but is also undisputedly tied to the person in question and not possi

Temple and Family History Lesson 6: Memories

  Temple and Family History Lessons Lesson 6 Memories   In Lesson 5 we considered the task of adding persons to the Family Search Family Tree by using the “Add” tools on the ‘Person Page’.  In this lesson we will learn how to add memories such as photos, documents, and stories to the Person Page. The Church, the creator of ‘Family Search’, intends for this site to be much more than a repository for the world’s genealogy.   The expression used to identify this work in the church is “Family History”, rather than ‘Genealogy’, because it is hoped that members seek out the histories of their ancestors rather than just names, dates, and places.  This intent is nowhere more visible than in the provision on the Person Page for saving all kinds of historical information pertaining to the ancestor.  The name of this history-saving place is called “Memories”.  This name is fitting because, if you ask what kinds of things should be added to this place, the answer is anything that contr